Let’s talk about our PRODUCTS—microgreens and herbs (I look forward to having mushrooms eventually, too!). Obviously, it’s all delicious. Who doesn’t love fresh, crisp, tiny greens in a sandwich or a wrap, right? But what I really want to emphasize are the health benefits.
All my products are highly nutritious, good sources of essential minerals and vitamins, high in dietary fiber, high in antioxidants, some even contain medicinal compounds…. Pretty much everyone knows how good herbs are for people’s health, but it turns out there are tons of research papers out there on the benefits of microgreens, too! For example, did you know that microgreens and sprouts are easier to digest and have more vitamins than either seeds or mature plants?
All of our microgreens are grown indoors where I can carefully control both temperature and humidity for optimum nutrient content. Some of the herbs are grown in a greenhouse, but the perennial herbs are outside with the salad greens and the vegetables, because they can take it!
In case you are wondering what really microgreens are. They are just young edible plants that are a little older than sprouts. In some cases their first set of true leaves could be out, but the seed-leaves are still nice and green and juicy, and the plant is still really tender, so you can eat everything but the seed and roots. Depending on the species, I harvest them between ten and twenty days old.
Herb isn’t really a technical term, it just means any edible plant that’s so strong you wouldn’t want to just eat fork-fulls of it by itself. Instead, you use it to flavor other things or to make teas or other products.